
Show Notes: Ep 104 “Movement”

By on September 3, 2020

SETTING THE TABLE: Considering the content So here we go. We are now talking about movement which we briefly touched down on during Episode 2 of The Open Table Cast. In this episode we put out on the table (figuratively) this idea (which is not new) that the Jesus way of being in the world […]

Show Notes: Ep 103 “Mission”

By on August 31, 2020

Every church I have been part of over the last two decades has had a mission or vision statement that is printed on bulletins, church newsletters and neon signs. Countless hours are often spent debating and discussing different words to use that capture the heart or essence of why they (that particular church) exists. Bishop Leslie […]

Show Notes: Ep 102 “The 3 M’s”

By on August 28, 2020

Here we are on our second episode as we dive head first into the 3 M’s – mission, movement and multiplication. Our heart in the Open Table Cast is to inform and inspire, but more importantly to engage you in a conversation that is one where we learn together what it means to follow the […]

Show Notes: Ep. 101 “Change What You Care About”

By on July 21, 2020

Disruptive moments can be powerful! You’ve had them. Those moments when you are driving and a song comes on that unexpectedly catches you off guard causing emotions to rise to the surface and your eyes begin to leak.  That moment when you read or hear something and it provokes a different way of thinking about […]